What are the major hand characteristics of the 1st Afro-American ‘First Lady’? Just like her husband, Michelle Obama has a ‘low 2D:4D digit ratio’. But unlike Barack Obama, she has a double ‘head line’ – in medical science a.k.a. the distal transverse crease.

Michelle Obama’s ‘digit ratio’ appears to be close to 0.94, which is rather low – even for an African-American woman.

NOTICE: The average ‘ digit ratio for women is close to 0.98, but in Afro-Americans the average ‘digit ratio’ is slightly lower – likely close to 0.96.

A typical female-like characteristic is her short pinky finger, which has been associated with ‘higher emotional sensitivity’ – a high score on the Big Five dimension Neuroticism (which is associated with persons who are easily upset in the face of very minor stresses; a person with high neuroticism gets easily: anxious, worried, moody & unstable).

But her ‘low digit ratio’ indicates that she does put this ‘higher emotional sensitivity’ into action, which might explain why during the presidential campaign media have tried to label her as an angry black woman“.

Nevertheless, it appears that her populatity has not suffered on her husband’s  Presidential Approval Index rating of -20.

According the ‘The Encyclopedia of Palmistry a ‘double head line’ has been associated with versatility and a great command of language & determination. But it could also point to having ‘two persona’. So maybe the ’double head line’ provides a clue why the current ‘First Lady’ was able to turn her career  as a layer into a fashion icon and role model for women, and a notable advocate for poverty awareness and healthy eating.

More famous hands: celebrities, movie stars, and many more!

On Labor Day 2010, the daily Rasmussen Report about Barack Obama’s popularity displays that 26% of the nation’s voters ‘Strongly Approve’ of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-six percent (46%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -20.

After winning the Nobel Peace Price in 2009, and while his popularity around the world – more and more people in the US continue to change their mind, and the power appears to slip from his hands. Want went wrong? Where did the magic of the 7th  left handed US president go?


Thumbs up for Barack Obama – a tribute to his hands!

4 Out of the 5 last US presidents were left-handed!
What hand experts say about Barack Obama’s hands!
Psychodiagnostic hand analysis of Barack Obama’s hands!

Barack Obama - left hand wave at the airport.

Into the hands of Barack Obama – US President

Recently Barack Obama was recognized in an international poll as the most popular leader in the world of today, and this week Obama was also listed in the 2010 TIME TOP 100 as the no. 4. of world’s most influential people (in the 2009 TIME TOP 100 he was listed as no.20). Into the hands of Barack Obama – a tribute to the hands of the current US president!

The most remarkable hand characteristics of Barack Obama’s hands are:

>> THUMB: Slender & waisted;
>> FINGERS: Slender & bony, low set index finger, low 2D:4D digit ratio, long ring finger, long pinky finger;
>> FINGERPRINTS: (unknown);
>> HAND SHAPE: Narrow & long palms;
>> HAND LINES: Strong primary lines, multiple long ‘ring finger lines’ (a.k.a. ‘sun lines’ or ‘apollo lines’).

4 Out of the 5 last US presidents were left-handed!
What hand experts say about Barack Obama’s hands!
Psychodiagnostic hand analysis of Barack Obama’s hands!
FINGER LENGTH: Barack Obama’s “digit ratio”!
TIME’s presidental palm readings: hand files of the last 10 US presidents!

The right hand of Barack Obama - photo impression from his inauguration.
The left hand of Barack Obama - photo impression during a speach.

What does psychodiagnostic chirology reveal about the hands of Barack Obama?

What does PsychoDiagnostic Chirology reveal about the hands of Barack Obama?

Psychodiagnostic analysis of the hands of Barack Obama – a controversial palm reading!

Last month PsychoDiagnostic Chirologist Arnold Holtzman published a controversial palm reading of Barack Obama’s hands. While many other palm readers had presented their hand analysis of Barack Obama, the new hand reading from Israel induced an ‘intense’ discussion in the Global palm reader community.

What does Obama’s hand reveal?

Ph.D. ARNOLD HOLTZMAN is the founder of the psychodiagnostic Handreading system ‘PsychoDiagnostic Chirology‘ (PDC).

This rather unusual hand reading system can be described as ‘a science of reading hands in Psychological Diagnosis’.

After the publication of his first book in 1983 ‘Applied Handreading’, Arnold Holtzman (Ph.D. in Psychology) presented in 2004: ‘The Illustrated Textbook of PsychoDiagnostic Chirology in Analysis and Therapy‘.

Barack Obama's right hand.Barack Obama's left hand

The hands of Barack Obama – ‘click’ on photos to see more snapshots of Obama’s hands.

The details of Holtzman’s Obama’s hand reading are found on his website.


How hand characteristics relate to the Big Five personality dimension Neuroticism!
Learn more about hands & chirology!
Presidential palm readings: from Obama to Kennedy!
What do the hands of celebrities reveal?
The hand of Madonna & the art of retouching!

The Medline Hand Hygiene Compliance Program!

Swine flu prevention starts with proper hand hygiene!

Did you know that the average hand hygiene compliance rate is only 40%? That’s a major concern in the perspective of the swine flu pandemic – especially since governments has stated worldwide that hand hygiene is one of the few effective tools to prevent infection with the H1N1 influenza A virus!

While the Medline hand hygiene compliance program was initially developed as a combat against healthcare acquired conditions, now it the program can serve as an additional tool for to stop the swine flu pandemic (a.k.a. the Mexican flu).

Earlier this week the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology released a report describing a plausible scenario saying:

“…swine flu pandemic could:

• produce infection of 30-50% of the U.S. population this fall and winter;

• cause between 30,000 and 90,000 deaths in the United States concentrated among children and young adults.”

While the annual deaths associated with seasonal flu in the United States is only 30,000-40,000 mainly among people over 65!

Remember, on wednesday july 29 (2009), Barack Obama told the Americans that swine flu prevention is not only an issue of the governement, individuals must also do their part. Obama said:

“Keep your hands washed, cover your mouth when you cough, stay home from work if you are sick, keep your children home from school if they are sick.”




Hands on ‘hand hygiene’!
Swine flu prevention is a matter of ‘hand hygiene’!
Hand Hygiene: warm air dryers increase bacteria on hands!
Obama’s council of advisors about the swine flu!
Barack Obama’s recommendation for swine flu prevention: the fist bump!

Female sprinters from Jamaica have the long ring finger!

The right hand of the 44 president of the US: Barack Obama!

The right hand of Barack Obama.

Barack Obama - inauguration photo!

President Barack Obama: inauguration photo

Presidential Palm Reading:
the Barack Obama ‘hand-file’!

• President: 2009-?;
• Dexterity: left handed;
• Hand type: long, bony;
• Fingers: long fingers, long ring finger.


Earlier this year TIME presented 9 large hand photos to US palm reader Robin Gile, and asked his to present a hand reading. Without knowing that it was Barack Obama’s hand, this is how Robin Gile described Obama’s hand:

“A Good Awareness of Theater”

“The curve of this head line shows the most imagination and creativity,” said Gile. “The little finger, the way it’s so straight, shows he’s very honest. He’s the most visual, with a good awareness of theater. The gap between the beginning of the head line and the life line show that he’s a very independent thinker — he can’t just be told things, he has to prove it to himself. The curve of his thumb, and the fleshy tip, shows that he remains constant — he’s a good starter and a good finisher.”


Barack Obama: hand of power!
Barack Obama is the 7th left handed US president!
Barack Obama & the future in healing hands!
The hands of Barack Obama: a hand full of power!
How to recognize the hand of a US president?

Barack Obama's greeting card 'the fist bump' could help to stop the swine flue.

Last year you could have seen president Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle doing the fist bump on many occasion during the election campaign. Now Obama’s lovely greeting gesture might help to stop the swine flu epedimic! Why?

Swine flu prevention has become for a large part become a matter of “hand hygiene”, so the handshake is now no longer recommended to greet other people in daily life. Instead the fist bump is much more harmless in terms of hand hygiene!

Philip M. Tierno Jr., PhD, director of clinical microbiology and immunology at New York University Medical Centre says:

“Eighty percent of all infectious diseases are transmitted by contact both direct and indirect – direct such as kissing, indirect such as shaking someone’s hand. Frequent hand washing is the single most important weapon we have against the swine flu disease.”

With the all the focus on H1NI or swine flu, the alternative of the fist bump might become very helpfull in the battle with the ‘influenza A’ virus. For, over the past weeks various reports from around the world indicate that despite the danger, people find it very hard not to use the handshake merely because in many countries handshaking has become so normal – especially in the business and workplace etiquette! So, don’t hesitate … no handshaking anymore, try the obama’s fistbump!


The history of the fist bump!
Shake it up Barack Obama: let’s do the fist bump!
The swine flu etiquette: use good hand hygiene, no handshaking, no mask, to prevent a pandemic!
What the swine flu could do to a young girl in Uganda!