Another Mubarak hand-cartoon – suggestion for a new flag for Egypt with the motto:

‘Egypt send it’s last dictator away!’



Mubarak & Obama try to jumpstart the Middle East peace process

While the crisis in Egypt continues, this cartoon from Kuwait illustrates how international politics used to work: a US financed dictator got the honour to play a ‘media-designed role’ as a Middle East peace pigeon.

Meanwhile the chaos in Egypt continues: the first talks with the Egyptian oposition have results in a new round of protests, and the US continues to struggle with it’s role as a major financer of one of the world’s long lasting dictatorships today – in 1981 Hosny Mubarak became President of the Arab Republic of Egypt.

Cartoonist: James (Al-Jarida, Kuwait, August 19, 2009)

Map of freedom 2011:

Map of Freedom 2011