RSI Hand palm therapy: six hand-excercises to avoid the ‘Repetitive Strain Ingury’!

April 23, 2009


Below you will find a number of hand palm therapy exercises that can be made in your workplace. It is not always necessary to perform all the exercises and the order is not important. Each exercise should be a light ‘stretch-feeling’ generation. Hold each exercise 15 to 30 full seconds and repeat each exercise three times (a general guideline).

An importance point of the exercises: during the normal movement range of joints not to exceed. Make sure in any case that during the exercises only a slight sense of strain occurs and no pain. If there is pain occurs reduce the number of repetitions and shortens the duration of the exercise. Delete the exercise completely if necessary. Perform the exercises calm and avoid pulling or springing movements (not force). Breathe in quietly through the exercises.

RSI hand excercise 1.

RSI hand excercise 1.


Keep both hands in front of you, stretch them and them keep up for a few seconds.

RSI hand excercise 2.

RSI hand excercise 2.


Keep both of your hands in front of you, curl your fingers and thumb, and hold this position a few seconds.

RSI hand excercise 3.

RSI hand excercise 3.


Put your arms in front of you, lift your right hand so that the palm of your hand points out, and put the palm of your hand against the fingers. Push the fingers to you body (light pressure) until you feel a slight stretch.

RSI hand excercise 4.

RSI hand excercise 4.


Hold your arms in front of you, take the hand which you are using most frequently (look at the wrist). Place your other hand on the knuckles of your hand and put a little pressure until you feel a slight stretch to the top of the wrist. Change hands and repeat this exercise.

RSI hand excercise 5.

RSI hand excercise 5.


Keep your right hand in front of you with the palm up, and use your left hand to massage the right hand. Massage the inside and outside, also between the fingers. Change hands and repeat this massage excercise.

RSI hand excercise 6.

RSI hand excercise 6.


Put your fingers in front of you together. Turn your hands so that both palms directed away from each other, and push your arms straight.

Dutch source: RSI Hand oefeningen

8 Responses to “RSI Hand palm therapy: six hand-excercises to avoid the ‘Repetitive Strain Ingury’!”

  1. Jane Says:

    It works i ve try it U try it too

  2. rhoebe Says:

    This is one of the diet exercise that what we called hand exercise in which it balance out joint and reduce cholesterol in hands.hcg

  3. Hai ,thanks for posting such an article on Hand Palm Therapy.I would like to include such reviews in my website too

  4. Hi there and thanks for this posting. Very interesting. Would these excercises be suitable for someone with rheumatoid arthritis? I would like to suggest them to my mother.

  5. Hands Nails Says:

    Can this help with cramps, is this the idea? despite my employer buying me all the finest ergonomic equipment i still suffer with cramps, aches and pains!

  6. […] is called RSI. There is lot of web pages that talk about RSI and how to prevent it. You will find different exercises on many of them. Now you just have to remember to take a break during your busy day and […]

  7. Lynn Says:

    good thing there are photos. what language was this translated from?

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